Myths About Hair Loss
For anyone that has suffered even remotely for hair loss then you will have probably heard these myths (and more) before.
But with so many of them floating around, how do you know which myths are true and which are just plain false.
Here we are going to take a little look at some of the main hair loss myths out there and decipher whether they are true or false:
Myth 1: Wearing hats or caps frequently induces hair fall
FALSE. Some people believe that if you wear a hat regularly, it will damage hair follicles, making them weak and more prone to hair fall. People also believe that hats or caps deprive your hair of natural Vitamin D of sunlight, an important element for healthy hair.
This is not true and hair loss is rarely associated with wearing a hat or cap. There is no scientific data that proves hats can deprive your scalp of sunlight.
But, it is also important to maintain the hygiene of the scalp by properly cleaning the scalp regularly and wearing a clean hat to avoid any infection.
Myth 2: Only old people experience baldness
FALSE. You may witness the first symptoms of losing your hair within your 20's if you share a family history of hair loss. Although most men witness the emergence of male pattern baldness within their middle-ages, the process can start for up to a quarter of some men before they even turn 21.
But you won't discover it right away. Only when nearly half of your hair is gone is most hair loss visible, the best way to prevent hair loss to to get ahead of the problem.
Myth 3: Hair loss is genetically passed down from the mother’s side of your family
FALSE. For certain things we are somehow inclined to blame our mothers.
However, either of the parents is capable of passing down genes for male pattern baldness.
Well, genetic biology is not completely blameless, but it will be unfair to stick this on your mother when your dad could be equally culpable-genetically. No, neither is it the fault of your grandpa or grandma!
Myth 4: Bald men have greater blood testosterone levels
FALSE. It would be reassuring if baldness was beneficial in any way, such as in an increased sex drive due to heightened testosterone. Perhaps this is why it is one of the most persistent hair loss theories.
However, research has shown that balding males have the same blood testosterone levels as their fully-haired counterparts.
This is not to say that hormones do not play a role in offsetting baldness. They most certainly do, and tests have shown that a hormone known as DHT is to blame (therefore look for a product that helps reduce DHT production).
Myth 5: All types of hair loss is genetic
FALSE: All types of hair loss are not genetically permanent. Male pattern baldness, the most common cause of male hair loss, is an inevitable hereditary disorder.
However, other causes such as trauma, hormone fluctuations, eating disorders, poor diet, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, lack of sleep or bouts of diseases may also cause hair loss.
In the case of women, they may experience postpartum hair loss, which usually resolves itself about 6 months after giving birth.
Myth 6: Only men deal with hair loss
FALSE: Hair loss problems equally affect men and women of any age. For men, hair loss is reflected as balding spots or a receding hairline, while in women it is more commonly thinning of hair.
Female pattern baldness or Androgenetic alopecia condition affects approximately 40% of women and it starts at the parting line and gradually thinning hair. It is observed that hair loss in women is mostly associated with hormonal imbalance.
Myth 7: “Dieting” will help
FALSE: Restrictive dieting has actually been shown to cause hair loss, not help it. This is due to the fact your hair is one of the last part of the body to receive nutrients and often the nutrients needed are tough to add to your normal diet.
Supplements are a great way of getting the tough to get nutrients for your hair.
Myth 8: Washing hair with cold water prevents hair fall.
FALSE: Cold water helps in better blood circulation, frizz prevention, and cuticle tightening, but in no way does cold water stop hair loss.
Myth 9: Direct sunlight on the head leads to hair loss/baldness.
FALSE: Direct sunlight can be harmful to your skin, but it does not cause hair fall. Sunlight does not affect your hair follicles. Rather, the hair acts as a shield for the scalp and sunlight actually gives you thicker and healthier hair.
Myth 10: Stress leads to hair fall.
FALSE: One of the most commonly believed myths is that mental stress can lead to hair fall.
But not so. It requires excessive stress or trauma like a death in the family, an accident, crash dieting, and so on for temporary hair loss like to occur.
Myth 11: Too much shampoo can cause hair loss
FALSE: It is a common misconception that more shampooing can lead to increased hair fall problems.
However, shampooing is an essential step to keep your hair clean and healthy, and it is normal to shed a few hair strands every time you wash your hair with shampoo.
Choose the right type of shampoo that contains less harmful chemicals and is suitable for your hair type.