In this post we are going to run through the foods that can help you lose weight.
Did you know certain foods can speed up your body’s metabolism? Helping you burn excess calories, drop weight and reduce the risk of obesity related disease.
The worldwide lockdown has got many of us exercising less and watching tv more, yet that doesn't mean you can't eat and drink your way to being more healthy.
Here is a list of foods that will help speed up your metabolism and help you feel great for when the pandemic is over.
Protein-rich foods like eggs are the best options for speeding up your metabolism. Protein is credited for boosting metabolism thanks to its nutrients which increase metabolic rate as the human body requires more energy to digest than it does for fats or carbs. With 6.29grams of protein per hard boiled egg, it’s a perfect and cheap option for those wanting to increase their metabolism. Research has even suggested that people who consumed 29 percent of their total caloric as protein experienced a higher metabolic rate than people who received 11 percent of their total calories from protein.
Known as the “functional food”, flaxseeds contain protein, vitamins and key nutrients that boost metabolism and improve metabolic syndrome. In other words it helps to prevent conditions which contribute to diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Scientists cite a recent 2019 study which saw a boost in metabolism on mice who consumed flaxseeds. They attributed this to the food’s natural fibre, protein, essential omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and more. They even went as far as suggesting that the food could treat: arthritis, autoimmune diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and osteoporosis.
According to a 2016 study on animals, researchers found that eating lentils and legumes like beans and peas was crucial in preventing and treating metabolic syndrome. They’re also rich in protein with fibre to kick.
Chilli & Capsicums
Not only do capsicums speed up metabolism, they also provide good levels of satiety (feeling of fullness). This is thanks to a compound found in the vegetable called capsaicin. Reports from 2012 and 2015 suggest that consuming capsaicin will moderately boost one’s metabolic rate.
You might not be a fan of ginger alone, but adding it to meals is said to increase one’s body temperature and metabolic rate to help control appetite. A 2018 review on the studies surrounding ginger found that there were positive effects on weight loss and metabolic profiles in overweight people. Probably stay away from ginger beer though as the high levels of sugar might offset the benefits.
Green Tea
A favourite amongst detractors of coffee, green tea is said to possess a host of health benefits. The verdict is however still out on its effectiveness despite suggestions that it can increase fat metabolism both at rest and during exercise. A small study in 2013 suggests that drinking 4 cups of green tea daily can significantly help drop body weight and your BMI (Body Mass Index) amongst other things.
Thanks to its high caffeine content it’s believed that coffee can stimulate metabolism. Decaffeinated coffee is exempt from the metabolism-boosting effects and there also rules to follow. If you add cream or sugar to the coffee, the calorie content will increase meaning you’ll undo the fast metabolism.
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are readily available at your local supermarket and are known as one of the richest sources of selenium, the mineral that looks after metabolism, reproduction and immune function. As a bonus they also contain protein and healthy fats that can make you feel fuller. There’s a catch though. The National Institute of Health states that a single Brazil nut contains 68 – 91 micrograms of selenium, a figure which is over the daily recommended limit of 55 micrograms a day. The researchers says it’s important not to go overboard with nuts as this could cause selenium toxicity.
Glucoraphanin is the stuff in broccoli that’s said to benefit metabolism. More specifically it helps “retune” metabolism as well as lowering blood fat levels. The result is the reduction in risk of age-related diseases.
Dark Leafy Vegetables
Kale junkies rejoice. This along with spinach and other leafy green vegetables contain a high iron content which aids in boosting metabolism. Whilst eating on it on its own is hard, the best bet is to mix them into salads and other dishes.