The Journal.

  1. Read more: The Untold Impact: How Hair Loss Affects Confidence
    The Untold Impact: How Hair Loss Affects Confidence

    The Untold Impact: How Hair Loss Affects Confidence

    Hair loss is not merely a physical concern; it transcends into the realm of emotional and psychological well-being, significantly impacting an ind...
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  2. Read more: 10 tips on how to recharge
    10 tips on how to recharge

    10 tips on how to recharge

    In today's fast-paced world, the post-pandemic era is marked by constant activity and heightened stress levels. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it be...
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  3. Read more: What happens to our hair as we age?
    What happens to our hair as we age?

    What happens to our hair as we age?

    As we age, several changes occur in our hair due to a combination of genetic factors, hormonal changes, and environmental influences. Here are some...
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  4. Read more: 12 possible reasons your hair is falling out
    12 possible reasons your hair is falling out

    12 possible reasons your hair is falling out

    Hair loss is a common concern for many people, and there can be various reasons behind it. It is something that can affect a lot people in differe...
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  5. Read more: SPF's important here's the best on the market
    SPF's important here's the best on the market

    SPF's important here's the best on the market

    Using sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Here are several reasons w...
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  6. Read more: Why use a charcoal face cleaner
    Why use a charcoal face cleaner

    Why use a charcoal face cleaner

    Using a charcoal face cleaner, such as our face mask cleanser works extremely well for several reasons.

    Charcoal is known for its absorbent and detoxifying properties, making it a extremely useful ingredient in skincare products.

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