Home Workout | DAY 1
Now is a tough time to stay fit for us here in northern Europe. The gyms are closed, the weather is not great, but despite the boredom of lockdown we should still be looking to exercise.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel, here in the UK it looks like gyms will be opening again in April, so nows the perfect time to get yourself back into shape so you hit the ground running when they do reopen.
Working out from home is one of the best option we have at our disposable and therefore we have teamed up with TentT ambassador and London based personal trainer Joey Jex, owner of Apex Fitness, to come up with a 4 day simple work out to do at home.
Here are some helpful tips from Joey for these workouts-
- Really think about the muscle that you are working, feeling it squeeze, contract and work throughout.
- Some exercises can be done as weights, if you have dumb bells at home please use them but if you do not, use 2x 2 Litre water bottles or even wine bottles.
- I’ve incorporated ab exercises daily. A lot of strength comes from our core and with all our working from home, keeping a strong core to ensure we sit up right is of utmost importance.
- If you are not 100% sure about the exercise please watch the clips, these will give you the correct technique for each exercise. Ensure you're using good form throughout to work your muscles correctly.
- Do 3 Rounds of each exercise
- Each exercise - 45 Secs on/20 Secs off
- 45 sec rest between rounds
1] - Squats
Feel free to use with or without weights
2] Forward Lunges
35 secs per leg. Use with or without weights
3] Squat Jumps
4] Plank
5] Sit-ups
6] Leg Raises
If you would like to learn more about Joey and Apex fitness please click here