Home Workout | DAY 2
Here is day 2 of our home workout devised with London based personal trainer Joey Jex from Apex fitness.
Remember to really think about the muscle that you are working, feeling it squeeze, contract and work throughout.
In this work out you will need something to lift, so if you don't have weights, get creative - water bottles, heavy books, paint cans, even towels are a good substitute.
- Do 3 Rounds of each exercise
- Each exercise - 45 Secs on/20 Secs off
- 45 sec rest between rounds
1] - Push Ups
It is very easy to do the push up wrong, watch this video if you are not sure about your technique
2] Weighted Overhead Press
3] Weighted Lateral Raises
4] Tricep Dips
5] Mountain Climbers
6] Sit Ups
7] Plank
If you would like to learn more about Joey and Apex fitness please click here